A Red Orchid Theatre presents the world premiere of Grey House, written by Ensemble Member Levi Holloway and directed by Ensemble Member Shade Murray. Grey House runs October 10 - December 1, 2019 at A Red Orchid Theatre, 1531 N Wells in Chicago. The press performance is scheduled for Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 3:00pm and 7:30pm. Single tickets for Grey House go on sale Monday, September 9, 2019.
The cast of Grey House includes Ensemble Members Dado (The Ancient), Kirsten Fitzgerald (Raleigh), Travis A. Knight (Henry) and Sadieh Rifai (Max) with Sara Cartwright (Marlow), Haley Bolithon (A1656), Kayla Casiano (Bernie), Charlie Herman (The Boy) and Autumn Hlava (Squirrel).
The creative team for Grey House includes Kurt Boetcher (set design), Karen Kawa (costumes), Claire Chrzan and Mike Durst (lighting design), Jeffrey Levin (sound design) and Ryan Oliver and Brant McCrea (special effects). The creative team also includes Elena Sindler (music direction), Kristin Schmidt (ASL interpreter) and Christa Van Baale (stage manager).
"Although the play firmly sits in the horror genre, it's a heartfelt story about a foster family's love for one another in the face of pain and grief," notes director Shade Murray.
After a brutal car wreck in the mountains of Oregon, a young couple seeks shelter from a blizzard in a small cabin. But the cabin's seemingly innocent inhabitants: four children and their minder, quickly start to expose the couple's secrets, unmake everything they know about themselves, and hurl them towards a potentially sinister destination. Grey House is a new horror play about the gravity of the past, and the cruel inevitability of its pull.