A Beautiful Fight Productions is proud to produce HORATIO adapted and directed by Drew Shirley! This hilarious take on Shakespeare's HAMLET turns the tragic play into a laugh out loud comedy which doubles as a drinking game. Yes, you read that right DOUBLES AS A DRINKING GAME!
"Horatio" is the story of Hamlet told through the eyes of his best friend Horatio. Horatio is a drunk unreliable narrator leading us through the drinking game/story of the tragedies that befell his best friend. We see what he saw, hear what he heard, and drink along the way. A dark, twisted, and booze filled evening for Shakespeare fans, and newbies alike.
Wednesdays and Thursdays, December 2 & 3, 9 & 10 and 16 & 17 at 7:30pm.
Runtime: 2.5 hours
3714 N Clark St. Chicago, IL 60613
TICKETS: $10/person suggested cash donation. Tickets can be reserved at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/horatio-tickets-19631473265
BE ADVISED: A BEAUTIFUL FIGHT PRODUCTIONS asks that attendees please drink responsibly and utilize public transportation or a designated driver. Neither Trace nor A Beautiful Fight Productions will assume liability for irresponsible drinking...so please drink responsibly...(and have fun! 21 and over only)!
Riley McIlveen: Hamlet/Lucianas
Ryan Imhoff: Horatio
Tony Jaksha: Claudius/Ghost/Player King
Alex Fisher: Gertrude/Player Queen/Priest
Angela Morris: Ophelia/Guildenstern/Gravedigger
Brian Rooney: Polonius/Marcellus/Osiric
Abbas Salem: Laertes/Rozencrantz/Prologue/Fortinbras
Drew Shirley-Director
Micheal Trzos-Stage Manager
Created by Drew Shirley and the folks that brought you six rounds of "The Hamlet Project: Chicago," HORATIO is the story of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," told through the eyes of his best friend, Horatio. The last wish of Prince Hamlet was for Horatio to continue telling Hamlet's story, so the truth is known to the people. Now, this usually minor character is a major player! Attempting to cobble together and run a show from his fractured memories, Horatio recounts how Hamlet was visited by the ghost of his father (who told him his uncle Claudius is responsible for his Father's murder), thus spurring Hamlet to concoct a plan of misdirection and feigning insanity, while he investigates the truth! Ultimately, this leads to a spiraling story of madness and deception as bodies begin to fall in the wake of Hamlet's quest for revenge.....ALL while Horatio is spouting asides and leading the audience through hilarious, ridiculous drinking games!!!! As "Hamlet" is the most performed play in the world (literally, there's a performance happening nearly every minute of every day), come join these saucy Chicago artists with A Beautiful Fight Productions as they tell the story through a different lens, in HORATIO.
For more information about A Beautiful Fight Productions HORATIO, visit us at www.abeautifulfightproductions.com or www.facebook.com/hamletprojectchicago.