2 for 1 Tuesday Special!
A limited amount of 2 for 1 tickets are available for the July 1, Tuesday performance of the high camp, high melodrama, high everything, L'imitations of Life .
The first 25 people who use the code word LANA online, by phone, or at the door will receive this sweet deal, so don't miss this dead on parody of the classic Douglas Sirk film with the fabulous Ed Jones as the fabulous Lana Turner.
L'imitation of Life
by Ricky Graham and Running with Scissors
Adapted from an original screenplay by Bruce McNally
Directed by David Cerda
Starring Aaron Holland, Laura Korn, Peter Mavrik, Chad McLaughlin, Michael S. Miller, David Cerda, and Ed Jones as Lana Turner
Where: Mary's Attic, 5400 N. Clark
When: July 1, 2, 3- doors open at 7:30, show starts at 8pm
Cost: $12- Tickets available online at Brown Paper Tickets, at the door, or call 1-800-838-3006