Theatre Charlotte will hold auditions for 24 HOUR THEATRE PROJECT April 10, 2010 at 9:00 AM (Yes, 9: 00 AM).
6 plays written between 8 pm, April 9 and 8 am, April 10
Maximum of 18 actors (exact number of males and females unknown at this time) neededYou know the drill: you show up for auditions, wait a few days to hear if you are cast, then you rehearse for six weeks before performing in front of an audience and before you know it, it’s all over. Well…try doing it all in less than 24 hours! On Friday night, April 9th, a group of writers will begin writing 10 minute plays based on a theme to be given to them that night. In the morning, they will turn in their scripts to a group of directors who will then audition and rehearse actors for the remainder of the day. At 8pm Saturday evening, the show begins and the audience and participants are treated to a theatre experience unlike any other.If cast, you will begin rehearsal at approximately 10:15 and rehearse until individual tech rehearsals begin at 4 pm. Performance time is 8 pm. Lunch will be provided.