The film premiered on December 23, 2020 and can now be seen for free via the Theatre's YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Inspired by the variety shows of the past and the sketch comedy of tomorrow, Spring Theatre's Holiday Film Season's Screenings is a socially-distanced sampler platter featuring characters new and old, songs both joyful and triumphant, and a vibrant cast packed with more good cheer than you can shake a peppermint stick at. The film premiered on December 23, 2020 and can now be seen for free via the Theatre's YouTube channel and Facebook page.
Season's Screenings is Spring Theatre's second social distanced film produced during 2020. The first film produced this year was Lock-In which was released in May of 2020 and can be also watched for free on Spring Theatre's YouTube channel.
One student participant Parker Ross, who has been in both films, commented, "These films have given my sister and I a collaborative focus, which was a nice break from the quarantine boredom." He added, "As a bonus the whole family got involved."
Parker's mom Lauren Ross shared: "As our family moved to a new city and state, we have had limited opportunities to get involved with new groups-but our Spring Theatre group was still there, filling a much needed creative gap! I enjoyed seeing the creativity coming from my kids. They really enjoyed learning how to create digital media and even ran a nightly news cast for our far way family for several weeks-it was everyone's highlight of the day!"
Another student participant, Paisley Holland reflected, "Working with Spring has been way to focus on the good and to be able to realize that there's still good things happening. I feel so lucky to be able to be a part of this film and get to just enjoy the happiness and joy Spring Theatre brings."
Angie Gardner, a parent of two participants, shared, "Filming for Season's Screenings has meant so much to us-especially knowing that it will be seen and enjoyed by so many people that aren't able to get out and enjoy the holidays. This Theatre and all of the staff have made life in 2020 so much more entertaining and meaningful for all of us!"
At Season's Screenings core is a beating heart and a theme of unity and acceptance, showing that it is seeing people around us for who they truly are, not who we expect them to be, which allows us to live our lives to the fullest. Though the public debut was December 23rd, the film was first debuted in retirement homes, veteran's communities, and children's hospitals in 10 different states across the country via their in-house circuit systems.
Paisley Holland commented, "I hope that the film releasing into nursing homes and into the community will be able to bring a smile onto people's faces. I know that especially during these times that not being able to see friends and family is a harsh reality. But, I truly think that this film can bring people together from afar, and give maybe just a little laugher even to the people who have to spend these times alone." Thoughtfully she added, "Though you may feel alone, or trapped away, there are still moments you can focus on the light, the joy, and that you should embrace that."
Parker Ross echoed Paisley by saying, "Christmas is about a feeling-I hope this film will bring a smile (and maybe a laugh or two) to all who watch it!"
Season's Screenings showcases both professional and community performers with ages ranging from four to 75. In keeping with Spring Theatre's mission to empower the next generation, a half of the performers are school-and-college-aged. Performers come from eight states and 19 cities within North Carolina.
For more information and to keep up with projects such as these, please like/follow Spring Theatre on Facebook @springtheatreorg.