The Tony Award winning musical Million Dollar Quartet takes place on December 4, 1956 at Sun Records when the "Father of Rock 'n' Roll" Sam Phillips brought together his top four stars - Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and a young and up and coming Elvis Presley - for one night only in his tiny storefront Memphis recording studio. The auspicious occasion resulted in this seminal moment in music history with new recordings of such rock 'n' roll, gospel, R&B and country hits as "Blue Suede Shoes," "Fever," "Walk the Line," "Sixteen Tons," "Who Do You Love?," "Great Balls of Fire," "Folsom Prison Blues," "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On," "Hound Dog" and more. But beyond the electrifying smash hits, Million Dollar Quartet is an irresistible tale of fame, broken promises, betrayals and triumphs that is deeply moving, hilarious and engaging. Million Dollar Quartet is the music you remember and the story you will never forget.
Million Dollar Quartet performs April 28 through May 21 on the Flat Rock Playhouse Clyde and Nina Allen Mainstage. Performances Wednesday and Thursday evening at 7:30 PM, Friday and Saturday evening at 8:00 PM, matinees Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at 2 PM. Tickets are $15 - $40 and can be purchased by calling the Playhouse box office at 828-693-0731, toll-free at 866-732-8008 or online at
Photos by Scott Treadway/Treadshots
Jeremy Sevelovitz & Cast
Nat Zegree, Jeremy Sevelovitz, Christopher Fordinal, Johnny Kinnaird
Ryah Nixon & Cast