Citizen of the Universe is announcing auditions for Princess Bride!
The show runs March 9th- 26th.
Open auditions are January 2-6th at Story Slam (1401 Central Ave, 28205-, 5- 8pm.
Auditions will consist of cold readings and some fencing exercises(play swords!). Prepared monologues are also accepted.
Auditions by appointment may be arranged for anytime during the day (Jan, 2-6th) by contacting James at or 704-615-4651.
Audition sides are available for download (Word Document) at-
Scripts are available for download (Word Document) at-
The following roles are available:
The Grandfather/Narrator, the grandfather of a sick boy who reads the story to him. He serves as narrator.
The Grandson (or daughter), a young child who is sick; the grandfather comes to read the sick kid a story.
Westley, the protagonist, a farmboy who is tormented and dismissed by Buttercup.
Buttercup, Westley's true love who at first teased him constantly; she eventually realizes that his faithful response "As you wish" means that he loves her, and she discovers that she loves him too.
Prince Humperdinck, heir to the throne of Florin, he intends to make Buttercup his bride.
The King, father of Prince Humperdinck, who is very kind to Buttercup. / Miracle Max, a former servant of the king, he was fired by Prince Humperdinck, against whom he still harbors a grudge.
The Queen, mother of Prince Humperdinck. / Valerie, Max's wife, who convinces him to help.
Count Tyrone Rugen, the vizier of Prince Humperdinck, who killed Inigo Montoya's father twenty years ago. He has six fingers on his right hand.
Yellin, a soldier of Florin and confidant of the Prince./ The Ancient Booer, a person in Buttercup's dreams who mocks her for giving up true love.
Vizzini, a Sicilian criminal genius who Inigo and Fezzik at first work for, he is hired by Prince Humperdinck to capture and dispose of Buttercup./ The Albino, assistant torturer to Count Rugen./ The Impressive Clergyman, the clergyman at Humperdinck and Buttercup's wedding; he cannot pronounce his R's or L's.
Fezzik, a giant and companion of Inigo.
Inigo Montoya, a Spaniard who has trained ambidextrously in fencing for twenty years, he seeks revenge upon Count Rugen for his father.
Thieves/ Soldiers/ Brutes/ Villagers