Italian Social club Hosts a night of improvisational comedy, April 23. Hosted by Nada Vergili this night will be a introduction to the art of improv comedy. The workshop will be lead by ten year improvisation theatre veteran, Scott Pacitti. There is no theatre, improvisational theatre or comedy experience necessary.
Nada Vergili was born in Florence Italy and moved to the US in 2001. One of her personal mottos is "You don't have to be Italian to live like one. For more information on Nada Vergili visit
For more information on Scott Pacitti visit or follow him on twitter at
Italian Improv will take place on April 23 from 7pm to 9:30pm. The price is $20 in advance (by credit card) or $25 at the door (cash only.) To RSVP and get advanced tickets to this event please visit
The location of this event is TBD. For updated information please visit