The Flat Rock Playhouse and Studio 52 Family Series continues with the classic cartoon turned family musical, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Happiness is...this charming musical featuring the beloved Charles M. Schulz Peanuts gang. Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Sally, Schroeder...and yes Snoopy too! A delight for the whole family.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown follows the antics of your favorite comic strip characters. While Charlie Brown ponders what it means to be a good man, you'll meet all of his friends, each dealing with their own troubles from a poor grade on a coat-hanger project to class Valentine's Day cards.
Written by Clark Glesner and John Gordon, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown premiered on Broadway in 1971. Its revival in 1999 starred Kristin Chenoweth and the show went on to win two Tony Awards as well as three Drama Desk Awards. The musical also had two television adaptations in 1973 then 1985.
Neel PatriCK Edwards, most recently seen as Chef Louis in this summer's Disney's The Little Mermaid, stars as Charlie Brown. Sharing the stage with Edwards are the second years from the 2017 Apprentice Company: Caleb Albert as Schroeder, Anthony J. Bruno as Snoopy, IliAna Garcia as Sally and Resa Mishina as Woodstock. Renée La Schiazza will be Lucy joined by Ezekial Mercado, most recognizable as Scuttle from Disney's The Little Mermaid, who will be Linus.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown will be directed by Charlie Johnson and choreographed by MAddie Franke. Matthew Glover serves as Resident Music Director. Joining Johnson on the production team are Chris Mueller, Megan Dougherty, Rebecca Conway and Kurt Conway as the Scenic, Light, Costume and Sound designers respectively. Zeinab Caskey will be Stage Manager with Riley Hewitt as Student Stage Manager. Cassidy Bowles is Props Master.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown is presented by Downtown Series Sponsor Rug and Home with BMW of Asheville serving as Opening Night Sponsor. The Executive Producers of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown are United Community Bank, Van Winkle Law Firm and Park Ridge Health.
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown will run September 7th through 24th at The Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown. Performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:00PM, matinees Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 2:00PM. Tickets are $12.50 - $25 and can be purchased by calling the Playhouse box office at 828-696-0731, toll-free at 866-737-8008 or online at
In 1937, a group of struggling performers, led by Robroy Farquhar, organized themselves as the Vagabond Players. The Vagabonds worked in a variety of places over the course of three years, and in 1940 found themselves in the Blue Ridge region of Western North Carolina. The local and tourist community welcomed them with open arms when they presented their first summer season of plays in a 150-year-old grist mill they converted into The Old Mill Playhouse at Highland Lake. So successful was that summer, they returned in 1941. After WWII, the Vagabond Players reorganized, came back to the region and opened a playhouse in nearby Lake Summit. The Lake Summit Playhouse thrived during the post war years and soon the Vagabond Players were looking for a larger and permanent home. In 1952, the troupe of performers, and a newly formed board of directors, made an offer to buy an 8-acre lot in the Village of Flat Rock. This new home made the Vagabonds "locals" and a rented big top gave birth to Flat Rock Playhouse. As the beautiful Western Carolina region continued to grow, so did the Playhouse and in 1961, by Act of the North Carolina General Assembly, Flat Rock Playhouse was officially designated The State Theatre of North Carolina. What began as a few weeks of summer performances in 1940 is now a nine-month season of plays including Broadway musicals, comedy, drama, and theatre for young audiences. The Playhouse's dual mission of producing the performing arts and providing education in the performing arts includes a professional series; a summer and fall college apprentice and intern program; and Studio 52, year-round classes and workshops in theatre and film for students from kindergarten through adults. Flat Rock Playhouse now hosts over 98,000 patrons annually and is a significant contributor to the local economy and the Arts in North Carolina.