The event takes place on November 12, 2020.
Blumenthal Performing Arts has announced Nerdy Night In: Virtual Renfest, featuring The Pyrates Royale, Lord Mayor Bullfrog, Olde Mecklenburg Brewery & The Charlotte Sketch Project.
The event takes place on November 12, 2020.
Join in as Blumenthal Performing Arts spotlights some crowd-favorite performers from the nerdiest festival of all!
The Pyrates Royale will lead a pub sing and marvel all with their knowledge of beer history and musical talent. Lord Mayor Bullfrog will host a renaissance trivia session. The Charlotte Sketch Project will provide laughs as they spoof a live Dungeons and Dragons adventure. To top off the night, Olde Mecklenburg Brewery will give us the history behind the style one of their most popular beers, Mecktoberfest.
Learn more and book at