StuArt Williams Productions will be holding auditions for PAGEANT THE MUSICAL at Actor's Theatre of Charlotte, located at 650 E. Stonewall St. on Saturday, October 9th from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Auditions will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Director StuArt Williams will be casting 7 males. The director will be looking for talented comedic actors with strong vocal ability.
What you will need to bring to your audition:
Sheet music (accompanist will be provided)
Updated acting resume
Director may ask for you to cold read from the script.
To schedule an audition appointment, please contact Maile Kim at or by calling 704-342-2251 x 85.
Rehearsals will be various weeknights and weekend afternoons beginning November 1, 2010. These are paid positions.
Character Descriptions: All actors need to sing, move well and have strong comedy skills. The actors playing the CONTESTANTS should at the very least look presentable as female beauty pageant contestants. The idea is to present male actors as female characters---not over-the-top drag queens.
Miss Bible Belt, Ruth Ann Ruth: Believes that she plus God equals a majority in any situation. Nobody is better connected that she is. She sees even the cheesiest part of the Glamouresse Beauty Regimen as part of His Plan. This gives her a righteous attitude which is unshakable, but she also has the manic cheerfulness of the newly saved. Big belter voice---strongest singer in cast.
Miss Deep South, Laurinda Summerford: The Blonde in the show; even though others may have blonde hair, only she knows how to work it. At the same time (and she sees no contradiction in this) she is The Lady, the only one of the contestants (she believes) who knows that in order to be a winner, a lady always has to come second to her man. She has a very narrow and ritualized sense of "femininity" which is frequently outraged by other contestants' behavior and attitudes. Her talent is ventriloquism, so some vocal dexterity is helpful.
Miss Great Plains, Bonnie Louise Cutlett: Utterly sincere in her belief in the values promoted by Glamouresse, though some of them seem quite exotic to her. She is honored to represent the great heartland of this nation and to show what honest country folk can do. Winning her region was "beyond her wildest dreams." In the present contest she is agape and aglow. Not necessarily the "prettiest" contestant.
Miss Industrial Northeast, Consuela Manuela Rafaella Lopez: Included among the regional winners mostly due to Glamouresse's belated sense that, marketing-wise, the times they are a-changin' and to the Northeast's notable lack of interest in the contest. Her talent has been culled from watching, with religious fervor, the variety show "Sabado Gigante" on Spanish television. Actor must be able to stand on roller- or in-line skates.
Miss Texas, Kitty-Bob Ames: The Professional of the group. With her father's money and a shrewd selection of contests, she has never lost a competition. Her skills may not be outstanding by themselves, but her attitude says "Winner" all the way. She doesn't so much want to win as she does expect to win. Actor must tap dance to some rudimentary extent.
Miss West Coast, Karma Quinn: Like Miss Great Plains, is sweet-natured, but Karma is a lot less focused. She has tried to parlay her vagueness and I'll-try-anything-once attitude into a comprehensive mystical spirituality but it hasn't jelled. This pageant is the most structured event of her entire life. Karma became a regional winner when the first, second, and third place contestants were killed in a freak accident on the Universal Studios Tour. Actor should have some dance skills.
Reigning Miss Glamouresse, Tawny-Jo Johnson: This past year's winner of Miss Glamouresse she has been loved by so many wonderful people who gave her love through food; there wasn't a buffet this gal didn't like.