Actor's Crib, Inc. will begin the next set of four week improvisational theatre basic workshops on Monday, June 7 and Thursday, June 10. Previous workshopp attendees (Level II students) can attend another set of workshops at another set of dates to be determined soon. Workshops will be led by improvisational theater veteran, Scott Pacitti, as well as members of The Chuckleheads.
The first set of workshops are on Mondays, starting on June 7th and will run until the 28th. It runs an hour and a half, starting at 7pm. Location is at Holy Coventant United Church of Christ on 3501 West W T Harris Blvd.
The second set of workshops are on Thursdays, starting on June 10th and will run until July 1st. It also runs an hour and a half, starting at 7pm. Location is at 2424 North Davidson Street, Suite 110.
There is no theatre, improvisational Theatre Or comedy experience necessary. Attendees can pay for the entire four weeks or an individual workshop. Cost is $20 for the entire session if paid in full on the first day of the session or $10 per individual workshop. Attendees also have the option of attending both Monday and Thursday sessions. There will be no refunds for prepaid missed sessions.
For questions or more information please contact Scott at 704.301.1564 and
Information about Actor's Crib, Inc. can be found at and information about The Chuckleheads can be from at