Bid now on a trip to Los Angeles to hang out and cook with Daniella Monet in support of "Cuck Fancer."
Click here to bid.
I'm passionate about my vegan lifestyle, but being vegan is more than just eating a lot of veggies. Choosing a plant-based life means choosing a cruelty-free one, one of compassion and kindness. That's why I started my web show D Takes Your V Card, to share my passion and introduce everyday meat-eaters to vegan food (for the first time), and essentially take their V card! Now I'm calling on all you meat-eaters, vegans, and everyone in between to come join me on an upcoming episode!
I'll fly you and a friend to Los Angeles and cover your hotel accommodations. Then you'll join me at a special spot in the city as the guest on the latest episode of my show. We'll cook up a yummy meal and have a lot of laughs. If you're a meat-eater, I'll expose you to a whole new way of life. And if you're already a vegan, we'll spread the word on how a vegan lifestyle helps save the planet, animals, and our health. Everybody's welcome at my table!
To enter to win, just make a $10 minimum donation to benefit Cuck Fancer., an amazing organization that supports young adults affected by cancer. If you want to donate more, you'll get more chances to win plus some cool rewards. It's all my way of saying thank you for supporting this great cause.
So let's get cooking-donate now! I can't wait to meet one of you in LA!
Cuck Fancer. is dedicated to educating and spreading awareness to young adults affected by cancer through financial assistance and community involvement.
At Cuck Fancer. we believe young adult survivors need a certain type of support. It's our intention to do whatever it takes to help get these unique individuals back to their lives. Cuck Fancer. will contribute anything necessary so they can get their feet back on the ground-rent, tuition, school supplies, car payments, or medical bills, Cuck Fancer. strives to eliminate obstacles in any way possible so that young adult cancer survivors can move forward in their lives with a sense of purpose.