Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance tells the story of Frederic, a contracted pirate apprentice, who leaves his band of pirates and falls in love with Mabel, the daughter of Major General Stanley. Joining with the local police force, Frederic plans to bring down the pirates. Those plans are halted, however, when it is revealed that Frederic neglected to read the fine print of his contract. Frederic must rejoin the pirates and enact revenge on the Major General. Will the pirates triumph? Or will the police force be able to stop them in time? The Pirates of Penzance boasts more memorable tunes than any other Gilbert & Sullivan show... including some that you may not realize you already know... Taking jabs at the military, policemen, the conventions of grand opera, and people in high places who don’t deserve to be there, The Pirates of Penzance is sure to keep you laughing and singing well after the show is over!
Gamut Theatre Group is at 15 North 4th St., Harrisburg PA, Harrisburg, PA.
Stone Soup (11/6/24-11/23/24)
TMI Improv (9/27/24-9/27/24)
Sleeping Beauty (9/18/24-10/5/24)
Improvapalooza (3/25/23-3/25/23)
TMI Improv (2/17/23-2/17/23)
The Elves & The Shoemaker (12/3/22-12/22/22)
TMI Improv (11/17/22-11/17/22)
Innocent Merriment; or, An Evening with Gilbert & Sullivan (11/5/22-11/27/22)
TMI Improv (10/28/22-10/28/22)
Countdown to Noon (12/31/24-12/31/24)
Last Laughs (12/31/24-12/31/24)
2025 Season
Gretna Theatre (6/5 - 8/23) | ||
DreamWrights Center for Community Arts (12/6 - 12/15) | ||
DreamWrights Center for Community Arts (9/26 - 10/5) | ||
The Nutcracker Reimagined
Theatre Arts For Everyone (12/6 - 12/14) | ||
The Other Mozart
Majestic Theater (2/13 - 2/15) | ||
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
Chambersburg Community Theatre (4/11 - 4/13) | ||
Annual Barn at Paradise Station Christmas Dinner & Show
The Barn at Paradise Station (12/11 - 12/12) | ||
Josephine: A Burlesque Cabaret Dream Play
Majestic Theater (3/20 - 3/23) | ||
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