The Alchemist is a satirical comedy written by Ben Jonson in 1610. The story takes place during an outbreak of the bubonic plague where Jeremy, a servant, goes by the alias Face. His Master, Lovewit, has fled during the outbreak and left Face in charge of his home. During his absence, Face employs the help of some friends—Subtle, a fraudulent alchemist, and Dol, a fellow criminal associate— to run a corrupt operation out of his master’s house.
They scam the local townspeople by making false promises of success through the mystical powers of the notable philosopher’s stone. However, all starts to go awry when the trio’s victims begin to catch on to their lies and go to the police looking for justice, leaving the con artists to find a way out of their predicament!
Approx show runtime: 90 min.
2025 Season
Gretna Theatre (6/5 - 8/23) | ||
TINA - The Tina Turner Musical
Appell Center for the Performing Arts (1/27 - 1/27) | ||
Something Rotten!
The Belmont Theatre (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
The Other Mozart
Majestic Theater (2/13 - 2/15) | ||
Verdi's Defiant Requiem
Appell Center for the Performing Arts (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
Ephrata Performing Arts Center (12/5 - 12/22) | ||
Frozen JR
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre (11/22 - 12/27) | ||
Irving Berlin's White Christmas
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre (11/8 - 1/5) | ||
Mahler's First Symphony
Appell Center for the Performing Arts (5/17 - 5/17) | ||
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