off the WALL Productions begins the new year with a regional premiere, an in-repertory production of the timely and eloquent The Pink Unicorn by Elise Forier Edie. A recent widow raising her 14-year-old daughter in a small, conservative Texas town, Trish works at a nearby hospital and cherishes her church, her home, and everything else she can count on in a world she now finds herself alone in.
Then suddenly she faces a crisis she never saw coming: her beloved teenage daughter announces she is gender queer, and that she's starting a chapter of the Gay and Straight Alliance at the local high school. Trish has no frame of reference for this information; like many people in her world, transgender people and issues simply aren't on her radar. How can she possibly be forced to choose sides?
From the play: Trish: "I hate diversity. I know that sounds infantile and unevolved but I simply do not want to love them who are different from me. Them with different sexual preferences, them with different skin colors, them with different beliefs, it don't matter. Because no matter what, when I'm with one of them I feel like I'm gonna do something wrong. Or they're gonna do something wrong. And that's a nasty feeling and I don't like it."
Five performances only, Feb 9, 10, 11 at 8:00 pm and Feb. 11 & 12 at 3:00 pm
Encore performances to follow in May 2017.
Ticket Prices: $ 5.00 (students) - $ 40.00 (Adults)