The Reduced Shakespeare Company (RSC) has become known for their fast-paced, seemingly improvisational abridgements of gigantic topics.
Gettysburg College's Majestic Theater welcomes the nationally-renowned comedy troupe the Reduced Shakespeare Company on Saturday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. presenting their raucously funny The Complete History of Comedy (Abridged). The performance is made possible by 2022-2023 Celebrity Season sponsor, The Vesta Fund.
"Since I started in show business as a circus clown, I know funny," remarked Jeffrey Gabel, the Majestic's founding executive director a.k.a. Chuckles the Clown. "These guys are sidesplitting, zany, slapsticky, amusing, uproarious, mirthful and smart-alecky, all rolled into three."
Heralded by the Boston Herald as a "trio of Modern Marx Brothers," the Reduced Shakespeare Company (RSC) has become known for their fast-paced, seemingly improvisational abridgements of gigantic topics, and have performed across the country and around the world. Since their founding in 1981, RSC has created two television specials, several radio pieces, numerous books, and ten beloved stage shows, including The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged), The Complete History of America (abridged), The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged) and The Complete History of Comedy (abridged).
In The Complete History of Comedy (abridged) RSC tackles the subject it was born to reduce. Covering comedy through the ages, from Aristophanes and Shakespeare, to Vaudeville and Charlie Chaplin, to The Daily Show. The "bad boys of abridgement" leave no joke unexplored as they deconstruct the entire history of comedy in 90 minutes. The performance is rated PG-13 for bawdy language and mild innuendo.
Tickets for The Complete History of Comedy (abridged) start at $38 and are available now at the Majestic Theater Box Office, 25 Carlisle St., Gettysburg, by calling (717) 337-8200 or online at Free parking and roundtrip shuttle service for the performance is available from Gettysburg College's Constitution Parking Lot. Shuttle starts one hour before each performance and is ADA accessible. Metered parking is available at the Gettysburg Borough Parking Garage in Race Horse Alley as well as along Carlisle Street. Masks are optional and encouraged at Majestic Theater performances.
The Majestic Theater at the Jennifer and David LeVan Performing Arts Center is owned and operated by Gettysburg College as a gathering place for its campus and community to celebrate the arts together.