This hilarious Broadway comedy stars a married couple who are art dealers. Their domestic tranquility is shattered upon the arrival of the wife's goody goody nerd of a sister, her uptight CPA husband, and her archetypal Jewish Mother. They are there to try to save their college student daughter from the horrors of living only for sex. The comic sparks really begin to fly when the mother hits it off with the elderly minimalist artist who is the art dealer's best client!
Andrew Bergman is an acclaimed comedy writer, having written or co-written a number of classic hits such as BLAZING SADDLES, FLETCH, and SOAPDISH.
The show is directed by Patrice Whitson, and stars Susan Wray Danowitz, Craig Stouffer, Spurgeon Davis, Melissa Hurwitz, EK Weitzel, and Charles "Smitty" Smith.
SOCIAL SECURITY is produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
The Oyster Mill Playhouse is a volunteer-driven, non-profit community theatre located at 1001 Oyster Mill Road in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. Visit our website,, to purchase tickets and learn about advertising and donation opportunities.