The Elephant Man is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century.
The Belmont will bring the Tony Award winning play, The Elephant Man, to the Grumbacher Studio August 5-7 & 11-14. Go to or call 717-854-5715 for tickets. The play is sponsored by Atty. Jack Hartman and Doctor Julie Drolet.
The Elephant Man is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century. This horribly deformed young man is the victim of rare skin and bone diseases and becomes the star freak attraction in traveling sideshows. Found abandoned and helpless, he is admitted to London's prestigious Whitechapel Hospital. Under the care of celebrated young physician Frederick Treves, Merrick is introduced to London society and slowly evolves from an object of pity to an urbane and witty favorite of the aristocracy and literati, only to be denied his ultimate dream - to become a man like any other.
The Elephant Man is directed by Jack Hartman. Dixie Smith is Stage Manager. The cast features Daryll Perkins as John Merrick, Connor Kanya as Frederick Treves/Belgian Policeman, Kelly Warren as Mrs. Kendal, Thomas DiMaggio as Carr Gomm/London Policeman, Robert Haag as Ross, Philip Rearich as Bishop How/Man in Belgium/Porter, Skye Gross as Nurse Sandwich/Countess/Pinhead, Brigid Lally as Princess Alexandra/Pinhead, Brooke Patterson as Duchess/Pinhead and Kevin Allen as Lord John/Conductor/Snork.
The Belmont Theatre has installed an ionization system that kills viruses in the air, including Covid-19. Touch-less soap and paper towel dispensers were also added for a safe theater experience.
Curtain times are 7:30pm Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays. Sunday's curtain is at 3pm. The Belmont Theatre is located just off route 83 at 27 South Belmont Street in York, PA. There is convenient, free parking. Go to or call 717-854-5715 for advance tickets and more information.