Based on the beloved characters created by Charles Addams, The Addams Family is a musical comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family and celebrates the uniqueness that exists in each person. In this brand-new story, Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family - a man her parents have never met. And if that wasn't upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he's never done before- keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday's "normal" boyfriend and his parents. Filled with showstopping musical numbers, dancing ghosts, ghouls, ancestors and all the crazy characters you know and love, this show is sure to have you embracing your inner Addams.
PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE: February 21 at 8:00pm; February 22 at 1:30pm and 8:00pm and February 23 at 1:30pm.
PERFORMANCE LOCATION & TICKETS: City Playhouse Theatre - 1000 New Westminster Drive, Vaughan, ON L4J 8G3. Adults $29; Students/Seniors $25; Children 12 & under $22. To book tickets please visit or call the City Playhouse Box Office at (905) 303-2000.
THE ADDAMS FAMILY features local actors of all ages from York Region and the surrounding GTA, including, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Newmarket, Vaughan, North York, Markham, Toronto, Whitby and Aurora.