This timeless and tragic tale of young love that decimates a generation of Verona youth features local teens.
Lebanon Community Theatre presents William Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet" as the second show of their 60th Season. This marks the first time for the Bard's work on the LCT stage in over a decade. This timeless and tragic tale of young love that decimates a generation of Verona youth features local teens in key roles and highlights the similarities and struggles of youth across centuries.
Director Glenn Anderson honors the Shakespearean tradition with a Renaissance setting based on Italian architecture, 17th Century dance choreography, and theatre traditions like the "gallants", onstage setting for select audience members. Patrons will be immersed in the story as it unfolds from every corner of the theatre around them by a cast of actors from across our region.
Tickets available now at Group rates available. Select nights may feature a postshow talkback session between cast, directors and audience to discuss the text itself as well as the experience of staging a Shakespearean production.