The show features a local cast of nearly 30 including an adult ensemble with Rachel Arthur, Bob Filer, Ryan Henson, Joel Persing, Patty Price, Robina Santaniello, Jerry Yoder, Zack Jackson, Brittne Giannone, Lisa Hess, and, of course, Santa Claus. There is also a children's ensemble comprised of students from YLT's class, "Musical Theatre Blast." The production team includes Beverly Spangler and Jerry Yoder, Musical Directors; and Sue Houck, Producer; Judi Miller, Stage Manager; Karen Wishart, Costume Designer; Bob McCleary, Technical Director; Jeff Pettyjohn, Sound Design; and Navin McWilliams, Lighting Design.
Performances run December 14 and 15 at 7:30 p.m., and December 16 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for children, $18 for students, $21 for seniors, and $23 for adults. Group rates are available. Tickets can be purchased round-the-clock at, or 854-5715, from 11 - 5 weekdays.
York Little Theatre, celebrating its 80th Anniversary Season, is a nonprofit community theatre which values and nurtures the irreplaceable role of the arts and is dedicated to engaging and enriching its entire, diverse community in the dramatic arts through a broad range of entertaining, stimulating, and sometimes provocative performances. York Little Theatre is located at 27 South Belmont Street, York PA, just south of Market Street at the intersection of I83.
The Cast
The Cast
Music Director Beverly Spangler
Director Duff Finn
Jerry Yoder and Company
Jerry Yoder and Company
The Cast