This production, directed by Marc Robin and choreographed by Samantha Hewes, stars Denise Whelan as Rose, who returns to the Fulton after recent turns in Sunset Boulevard, Hairspray and Sweeney Todd. "I am so thrilled to be opening this 160th Anniversary Season with Gypsy," said Marc Robin "because it's one of the greatest musicals ever written, truly meant to be shared from generation to generation. And being a show about vaudeville, I've long wanted to see it come to life again on our stage, which was the Queen of the vaudeville houses back in the day. And I couldn't be more thrilled to welcome Denise Whelan back to the Fulton in this iconic part."
In the role of Herbie, Philadelphia audience favorite Greg Wood returns after last season's God of Carnage. Playing Rose's adult daughters are Kim Carson as Louise (and Lyndsey Nedrow as Baby Louise) and Lara Hayhurst (Amber Von Tussle in Hairspray) as June (and Kaitlyn Mueller (Jemima in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) as Baby June.) The second act's infamous strippers ("You Gotta Get a Gimmick") are Charis Leo (Sunset Boulevard) as Elektra; Chicago stage veteran Iris Lieberman (42nd Street, Spitfire Grill) as Tessie; and Philadelphia's four-time Barrymore Award winner Mary Martello in her Fulton debut as Mazzeppa.
The Cast also includes Randall Frizado as Jocko and Mr. Goldstone, Matt Raftery as Tulsa, Cary Ann Miller (Penny in last season's Hairspray) as Agnes, Michael Phillips as Angie, Bill Van Horn as Pop and Cigar, and Chaz Wolcott as Yonkers. Rounding out the ensemble are Kate Cherichello, Sam Hewes, Andrew Kruep, and Theresa Walker.
Musical Director: Aaron McAllister; Set Designer: Tom Ryan; Costume Designer: Beth Dunkelberger; Lighting Designer: Nick Cyr; Sound Designer Jacob Mishler; Props Designer: Katelin Walsko; Stage Manager: Tim Markus.
Single tickets and subscription packages are available through the Fulton Box Office at 717-397-7425 or online at
GYPSY at Fulton Theatre
GYPSY at Fulton Theatre
GYPSY at Fulton Theatre
GYPSY at Fulton Theatre