Based on Stephen King's chilling tale, Carrie the Musical brings the cult-classic to the stage. Carrie White, a misfit in high school, is relentlessly hounded and bullied by the popular crowd. At home, she's at the mercy of her cruel, zealot mother. After a traumatic encounter at school, Carrie discovers a shocking and eerie new power. And if pushed too far, she's not afraid to use it.
Carrie the Musical adds an electrifying pop-rock score to the classic tale of high school cruelty and supernatural vengeance. Carrie features a book by Lawrence D. Cohen (screenwriter of the classic film), music by Academy Award winner Michael Gore (Fame, Terms of Endearment), and lyrics by Academy Award winner Dean Pitchford (Fame, Footloose). Just in time for the Halloween season, Open Stage presents a night full of high energy music, chilling ballads, and a prom you will never forget.
Carrie the Musical is a fiery start to Open Stage's Season 33. This season features a range of coming-of-age stories, including upcoming productions for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf, The Wolves, the devised piece The Kids You Read About in Textbooks, and Ragtime.
Tickets to Carrie the Musical and more information can be found at or by calling the box office at 717-232-6736. Carrie the Musical runs September 29- October 20 at Open Stage of Harrisburg, 25 North Court Street.