York Little Theatre presents Disney's The Little Mermaid Junior, The Rocky Horror Show and Willy Wonka this fall. Details below!
Opening SEPTEMBER 20
Runs: September 20, 21, 22 & 27, 28 & 29, 2013
Disney's The Little Mermaid Junior - A Musical on the Main Stage
Performances will run at York Little Theatre, 27 S. Belmont Street, York, PA. Call 717-854-5715 or got to www.ylt.org for tickets. Schedule: Friday & Saturday performances at 7pm; Sunday performances at 3pm.
In a magical kingdom fathoms below, a beautiful young mermaid longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father, make a deal with an evil sea witch, and convince a prince that she's the girl with the enchanting voice he longs to find. Suitable for adults and children alike, the show will transport you under the sea with surreal black light effects, amazing costumes and innovative set design.
Opening OCTOBER 18
Runs: October 18 & 19 and 25 & 26, 2013
The Rocky Horror Show - A musical in the Studio
Performances will run at York Little Theatre, 27 S. Belmont Street, York, PA. Call 717-854-5715 or got to www.ylt.org for tickets. Schedule: Friday performances at 9pm; Saturday performances at 9pm and midnight.
Join that sweet transvestite and his minions with a steampunk twist. A humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through early 1970s, the musical tells the story of a newly engaged couple getting caught in a storm and coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist unveiling his new creation, a muscle man named Rocky Horror.This ever popular rock musical, will be the perfect treat-just in time for Halloween! Warning: Adult themes and language.
Opening NOVEMBER 15
Runs: November 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 & 24, 2013
WILLY WONKA - A musical on the Main Stage
Performances will play York Little Theatre, 27 S. Belmont Street, York, PA. Call 717-854-5715 or got to www.ylt.org for tickets. Schedule: Friday & Saturday performances at 7:30 pm; Sunday performances at 3pm.
Imagine a world of decadence filled with chocolate, confections and temptations-created to find an honest heir to ultimately run Willy Wonka's chocolate empire. WILLY WONKA THE MUSICAL comes to life on the YLT stage, featuring the songs from the classic family film, including PURE IMAGINATION, I'VE GOT A GOLDEN TICKET, I WANT IT NOW and more... This show is quite the treat featuring actors and actresses of all ages with spectacular set design, costumes and special effects- making WILLY WONKA-THE MUSICAL this fall's golden ticket for family entertainment!