Based on the classic story by Robert Louis Stevenson and featuring a thrilling score of pop rock hits from multi-Grammy and Tony nominated Frank Wildhorn and double Oscar and Grammy winning Leslie Bricusse, and conceived for the stage by Steve Cuden & Frank Wildhorn, JEKYLL & HYDE has mesmerized audiences the world over.
An evocative tale of two men, one a doctor, passionate and romantic, and the other, a terrifying madman, and two women, one beautiful and trusting and the other, beautiful and trusting only herself. Both unaware of his dark secret. Their story unfolds in this gripping musical thriller resplendent with a sumptuous score including the unforgettable, "This is the Moment," "Someone Like You" and "A New Life."
A musical of this magnitude is a difficult one to imagine in a black box theatre space. But, the creative staff and magnificent cast of Star of the Day's Jekyll & Hyde The Musical was up to the task. Come support these incredible local artists, some of which travel more than an hour, as they begin to tell the public their story Friday, September 15th and run for eight performances.
It would be a sin to miss it.