The production is an adult variety show filled with comedy, music, drag, video sketches, audience participation and giveaways!
Ike Avelli is coming to Scranton's Ritz Theater & Performing Arts Center on September 30th and October 1st at 7pm! 50 Shades of Gay has been touring since its inception in 2015. The production is an adult variety show filled with comedy, music, drag, video sketches, audience participation and giveaways!
For mature audiences.
Tickets are $15 per person for general seating.
Ticketing link:
Any questions about the seating chart on, please contact us at All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. Tickets are also available at the Box Office in the lobby an hour before curtain. There is a Chairlift in the Ritz building for handicapped patrons. If you need handicapped seating, please email us at to reserve your tickets in lieu of using
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Black Box Cafe will be open an hour before curtain. Food & Concessions from the Black Box only are allowed in the theater. House opens 30 minutes before curtain. Please contact us at or 570-252-4156 with any questions.