The Hershey Community Chorus has been entertaining Hershey and the surrounding communities for over 80 years, since 1934. Each year the Chorus presents two major concerts, at Christmas and in the spring in addition to other appearances in Hershey and the surrounding communities. Hershey Community Chorus archive files and recordings of previous concerts will be on display.
Registration for membership in the Chorus will be available and new members in all voice parts are extremely welcome. The Chorus rehearses on Monday evenings from 7:00 pm until 9:15 pm at The Hershey Free Church located at 330 Hilltop Road, Hummelstown. The spring concert, "America Sings", with guest musicians The Klinger-McFry Band, is scheduled to be performed on Sunday afternoon, May 7, 2017, at 3:00 pm, in Grace United Methodist Church, 433 E. Main Street, Hummelstown. Registration will continue on Monday, January 23rd and Monday, January 30th at 6:30 pm with a full rehearsal starting at 7:00 pm both evenings. Interested persons will be able to "test" drive the Chorus during these two rehearsals before joining. Registration for membership is $30.00 which helps cover the cost of music and other expenses.
The Chorus is truly a community organization. No auditions are required to become a member, just a desire to sing. RSVP to 508-4400 or email