Taught by instructors with experience in theatre and education, Hershey Area Playhouse's Theatre Academy announces its fall 2015 and winter 2016 acting classes.
Classes for the fall and winter semesters will be held over eight consecutive Saturdays, beginning Sept. 26 for the fall semester and Jan. 23 for the winter semester. Fast-paced, fun-based learning is offered for all age groups grades K-12 with all classes being held at the Playhouse, located at the corner of Sand Hill Road and Cherry Drive.
In the Creative Kids session, students in grades K-3 will learn to act through storytelling and games, which will help build communication skills, confidence and self-expression. Being held from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., this session will expose students to their own creative and artistic possibilities.
The Acting It Up session, for students in grades 4-6, will incorporate a mixture of theatre games and improvisational acting, providing a forum to create realistic characters and stretch imaginations. Held from 10:30 a.m. to noon, each session allows students to expand expressiveness and develop the actor's tools necessary to perform a role.
In the Theatre Arts Studio 1 session, students in grades 7-12 will combine the antics of improvisation with some solid learning of acting skills. Held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., students will form a troupe to create interactive improvisational performances where the audience drives the action.
Sequential, repeatable class content changes each semester for each session offering. All sessions culminate in a performance opportunity for each age group.
Hershey Area Playhouse's Theatre Academy works from a theatre curriculum based on the Pennsylvania standards for excellence in arts education with a rotating emphasis on skills in creating and imagining, performing for others, responding and critiquing performances, and learning about the cultural and historical connections to theatre works.
"What I love about our theatre program is the way that we use themes to teach students how to craft a performance and practice skills while keeping it from becoming boring" said Theatre Academy director Cory Wilkerson. "Our teachers are veteran theatre teachers with a deep love of and understanding of children and youth, and it shows in how much fun the kids are having. Kids come back year after year, and we get to watch them grow and gain in talent and skills."
For more information and to register for classes, visit www.HersheyAreaPlayhouse.com. For additional questions, contact Cory Wilkerson at 717-269-9026.
The Hershey Company is a proud sponsor of Hershey Area Playhouse's Theatre Academy.