Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble, Cauldron hot as Kardashian Bubble. The witches are out to suck your youth, Or a Martini dry with little Vermouth.
HOECUS POCUS DRAG SHOW is coming to The Ritz Saturday, Oct. 29, 2021, starring Urethra Vas D'Ferens, Justice, Chlamydia Berns, Oliver Twist, and Luna Tic!
6PM Doors Open
7PM Event
BYOB for age 21 and over.
$20 per person
Make your reservation here:
Recommended for (18+) for mature language and themes
Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble,
Cauldron hot as Kardashian Bubble.
The witches are out to suck your youth,
Or a Martini dry with little Vermouth.
On this October eve, is a show rarely seen.
All Mortals beware, since you're in for a scare.
With so many monsters, drag queens, and ghouls,
You're certain to leave all covered in drool.
But do not fret if that isn't your thing,
for there's a plethora of acts, and some who can sing!
With back-flips, splits, and comedy so right,
you'll leave the Ritz with fiendish delight.
For there's only one way to get a good scream,
that's to spend it with us on this Halloween.