Gretna is synonymous with the outdoors and nature, and Gretna Theatre has often been dubbed the "little theatre in the woods". In recognition of Earth Day, the theatre has shared its new sustainability practices this season to honor and strengthen its roots in the community.
Speaking on their announcement, Executive Producer Brian Kurtas claims, "The theatre industry can be a highly wasteful art, and for us specifically, producing 5 professional productions within 3 months can generate tons of waste - from sets/props to paper that is rarely reused. The environment is especially important for a theatre that is part of a community such as Mount Gretna, and as an open-air facility. In an effort to do our part, every department here has been tasked with adopting eco-friendly practices."
The Box Office Manager Cheryl Burke prints over 7,500 paper tickets. She has committed to a ticket paper vendor who has received both SFI and FSC certification, which demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility. All of the paper-based and synthetic tickets are recyclable. She also invested money in new Energy Star Qualified ticket printers, which use water-based, flexographic inks to minimize the environmental impact, and low temp compressed air presses in place of hot air dryers, which reduce energy consumption.
Regina Sukanick, Development Manager, has reduced hard mail pieces by over 50%, and allowed our donors to contribute easily to our Non-Profit electronically on our website and social media.
Mary Anne Ritter, Business Manager, has been switching many of our business transactions from paper to electronic format. This not only allows for a much faster exchange of information and a reduction in cost, but also helps to do our part to protect the environment.
Steve Cargile, who oversees Production at Gretna Theatre, has partnered with Lebanon's own Henry Molded Products Inc., who has made generous contributions to the theatre to receive set pieces that are made out of recycled paper fiber in a local sustainable plant. He also now sells or rents costume and scenic pieces before disposing of them.
"While we understand the eco-friendly policies implemented at Gretna Theatre will not be the catalyst for global climate change, our mission statement is dedicated to the growing community, and we hope our actions in harmony with other local businesses will help us create more theatre and less waste for the Central PA community" (Kurtas).