Gettysburg Stage will present "The Beauty Queen of Leenane", a dark comedy written by acclaimed Irish filmmaker and playwright Martin McDonagh, and directed by Pamela Hurlbert.
Set in an isolated cottage in the west of Ireland, "The Beauty Queen of Leenane" tells the darkly comic tale of Maureen Folan, a plain and lonely woman in her early forties, and Mag, her manipulative aging mother, whose interference in Maureen's first and possibly last chance of finding a loving relationship sets in motion a train of events that leads inexorably towards the play's terrifying conclusion. "It has been a pleasure and a challenge to bring 'The Beauty Queen of Leenane' to life," says director Pamela Hurlbert. "The pleasure comes from working with an enthusiastic and talented cast, and the challenge comes from being faithful to the author's vision. I hope our production leaves the audience questioning the nature of insanity, and who is truly the victim in this play: mother or daughter."Videos