The exhibit is open Monday through Friday during regular hours of the Franklin County 11/30 Visitors Center, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Franklin County Visitors Bureau is hosting the Penn's Woods Printmakers in an All -Media Art Exhibit. The exhibit is in the lobby of the Franklin County 11/30 Visitors Center, 15 South Main Street in Chambersburg, and will be on display through February 14. Each IceFest, Penn's Woods Printmakers displays at the Visitors Center. This year, the exhibit arrived early and will run to Valentine's Day.
Penn's Woods Printmakers create hand-pulled works of art, using an original plate, which is run through a small press or hand-printed one at a time. The Printmakers use many techniques—soft and hard-ground etchings, woodcuts, linocuts, monotypes and collagraphs. The All-Media Art Exhibit features a variety of print styles, photographs, acrylic paintings, and oil paintings.
In total , the exhibit has more than 75 pieces. Exhibiting are Lynda Beckwith of Mercersburg, Dawn Burgoon of Greencastle, Anne Finucane of Chambersburg, Ethel Heckman of Shippensburg, Dee Henry of McConnellsburg, Mary Kallio of Mercersburg, Brandii Kligge of Newburg, Cris Mcdonel of Walnut Bottom, Garnet Yeager of Fayetteville, Marti Yeager of Fayetteville, and Brian Hunter, who is a guest artist.
The exhibit is open Monday through Friday during regular hours of the Franklin County 11/30 Visitors Center, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. During Icefest Thursday and Friday, January 30 and 31, hours are extended to 7:30 PM. On Saturday, February 1, hours are 10:30 AM to 7:30 AM and on Sunday, Noon to 4 PM.
All works of art are for sale, and many prints are made in multiples.
For more questions or more information, please visit or contact 717.552.2977 or 866.646.8060.