The Ephrata Performing Arts Center will be holding open call auditions for their annual Kids4Kids Junior Production on Saturday, November 18, with callbacks on Sunday, November 19. We are looking to cast young performers from the ages of 6 to 17 in our production of Willy Wonka Jr.
This production will be directed by Irving I. Gonzalez, and Kristin Pontz with vocal direction by JP Welliver. No prepared monologue or song required. Those auditioning will be taught a simple dance combination and a few measures of a selected song.
Time slots have been designated for specific age groups. Auditions will be 9am to noon for ages 6-10, followed by 1pm to 5pm for ages 11-17. You may register online . Deadline to register or to submit any audition video is Friday, November 17. Performance dates will be February 2- February 18, 2018. Any questions can be emailed to Irving at