Based on the beloved original film, Disney's Aladdin, Jr. follows the tale of young thief Aladdin as he wins the heart of beautiful Princess Jasmine. The show is adapted for the stage with a slightly shorter run time that makes it perfect for young audiences; both children and adults will be happy to hear many of their favorite Disney songs from the movie performed live on stage!
Promising "magic, mayhem, and flying carpet rides," this production will be performed by a talented cast of young actors. Kids4Kids provides a great opportunity for children between the ages of 6 and 17 to hone their acting skills while making new friends. This year's production will be directed by Irving I Gonzalez. "Aladdin Jr will transport audiences to the city of Agrabah where magical carpet rides, hypnotic wishes, and colorful characters will transcend themselves to the EPAC stage," says Gonzalez. "A guaranteed night of 'A Whole New World' and singing all of your favorite tunes."
Tickets available online at or through the Box Office at 717-733-7966 (ext. 1).