The cast includes Estella Sweet, Vivica Von Peters, Naomi Dettmore, Nevaeh DeDa, Oliver Twist, Justice Twist-Valentine, and more!
Act Out Theatre Group is hosting QueerNEPA's Variety Show to benefit the QueerNEPA Queer Youth Council and the NEPA Pride Project on April 10.
Hosting the event, all the way from Philly, are Miss Red and Connor Michalchuk! The extensive cast features local divas and gentlemen including Estella Sweet, Vivica Von Peters, Naomi Dettmore, Nevaeh DeDa, Oliver Twist, Justice Twist-Valentine, and Andrew Oddgenous!
The event will also features Burlesque performances of the one and only Ms. Rose, as well as comedic stylings of Major H. Dude, the theatre chops of Sawyer Green, as well as live singing performances from Martha Zabriski, Lisa Provau, Dan Pittman and Frank Carey!
There will also be a cash bar provided and basket raffles for purchase.
Doors will open at 7pm with the show beginning promptly at 8! Seating is limited and masks are required due to COVID-19 restrictions so be sure to purchase early. Tickets will be sold online only.
If you would like to sit with a particular group, you must purchase all tickets together. If individual tickets are purchased but you would like to sit with a specific group, please email by April 9.
Purchase tickets here.