Gamut Theatre Group's Harrisburg Shakespeare Company opens the 25th Annual Free Shakespeare in the Park, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Directed by Thomas Weaver, A Midsummer Night's Dream runs June 1- 16, 2018 with performances on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Levitt Pavilion in Reservoir Park. Admission is free. We will be collecting canned good items for Bethesda Mission and encourage you to bring a donation.
A group of amorous Athenians, fearless fairies, and merry mechanicals head to the woods to experience an unforgettable dream of love, magic, and just the right amount of danger in one of Shakespeare's most famous comedies. Returning to the story that started it all 25 years ago, your Gamut Family invites you to bring a blanket, a chair, and some loved ones to Harrisburg's beautiful Reservoir Park to experience the beauty of Shakespeare under the stars. Nearly 3,000 people see Free Shakespeare in the Park every summer. Come see what all the fuss and fun is about!
"This production of Midsummer is a celebration of Harrisburg, and is the result of a great (and ongoing) community engagement project." said the production's director, Thomas Weaver. "Several actors you will see in this production came to us from our first ever Pop-Up Auditions, held both in Reservoir Park and at the Broad Street Market. Many of our set pieces were painted and decorated by local families attending ArtsFest along our Riverfront. Additionally, we've partnered with many local businesses in our effort to Harrisburg-ize our story. And I suppose that's what I love most about Free Shakespeare in the Park - it's an event that brings people together. It's an event that provides accessibility to something we are often told is inaccessible."
Gamut Theatre Group is the combined company of Popcorn Hat Players Children's Theatre and Harrisburg Shakespeare Company. Located in Downtown, Harrisburg their mission is to tell classic stories in new and exciting ways for the entertainment and enlightenment of children and adults alike.