Lost In Translation is free event but donations are highly appreciated.
In the age of virtual theatre, LOST IN TRANSLATION by Marcia Vidal Nolte is based on the experience as an international student of color of the playwright herself.
The play follows an international student from South America as she gains the awareness of being a foreign person of color in America in current times, and how that affects things like roommates, frienships, romantic relationships and mental health. Directed by Subin Kara Ahn.
Cast includes Alondra Olmo as Amelia, Thomas Kuklenski as Jordan, Haley Glickman as May and Landon Calhoun as Zach. Stage management by Emily Lafreniere.
Streamed through Facebook Live: https://facebook.com/events/s/virtual-reading-lost-in-transl/666540994218332/?ti=cl
Free event but donations are highly appreciated.