USITT's first-ever Giving Day, a contribution challenge event held on Saturday, October 26, was a tremendous success. The event, a part of the Institute's Setting the Next Stage fundraising campaign, raised more than $54,000.
Giving Day was an entirely online event with appeals from a number of individuals throughout most social media channels and via email. The appeals also helped spread the word about the industry-wide impact that the Institute has on life-long learning, safety and health, and international engagement. Monies that the Institute raises during the Setting the Next Stage campaign will assure USITT's continued impact for years to come, according to Mark Shanda, campaign co-chair and former president of the Institute. "From our first multi-year pledge by an early career member of just a few dollars a year to the largest of our corporate sponsors, people and businesses affected by the mission of USITT are showing their commitment to this vital organization through their generous support," said Shanda. The day was structured around hourly challenges by corporations, individuals, and Institute commissions and committees to encourage giving by doubling - and in some cases tripling - individual contributions made during particular hours.Videos