This charming, hilarious, and uplifting Neil Simon classic focuses on Herb, a Hollywood scriptwriter currently "at liberty" who is surprised when his forgotten past reappears in the form of Libby, a teenage daughter who's trekked from Brooklyn with dreams of movie stardom. With Steffy, his sometime paramour at his side, Herb decides to take another stab at fatherhood and hopefully this time, get it right...
November 10th, 11th, 17th, and 18th at 8 pm and November 12th and 19th at 3 pm180 Little Neck Road, Centerport NYTickets $20 for Adults. $15 Seniors and Children.
Call 516-557-1207 for more info. To purchase tickets, visit our website carriagehouseplayers.orgStarringGary Tifeld as HerbNiki Kuttler as LibbyMary Caulfield as SteffyVideos