Catskill's adventurous Bridge Street Theatre celebrates Women's History Month by hosting a touring production of Si Kahn's rousing "Mother Jones in Heaven". Starring Vivian Nesbitt ("Breaking Bad") accompanied by guitarist John Dillon ("Art of the Song" on NPR), this one-woman musical about the notorious labor organizer famed for her tireless efforts on behalf of the rights of miners, mill workers, and child laborers will be presented on BST's newly-re-christened Charles and Priscilla Patterson Mainstage for three performances only, March 13-15, 2020.
With one foot in the folk tradition of storytelling and acoustic guitars, and the other in the truly American art of musical theater, the show opens as Mary Harris "Mother" Jones arrives in heaven to discover that it happens to be virtually identical to her favorite Irish Pub back down on Earth. Over the course of this 80-minute intermissionless performance, she re-visits her life, with moments of profound insight intermingled with hilarious tales of a self-admitted hellion in her prime. Dubbed 'The Most Dangerous Woman in America' by a West Virginia judge because she could get 8000 men to walk out on strike at the crook of her little finger, Mother Jones was 'the grandmother of all agitators' during the late 19th and early 20th century - feared, revered and lauded in song and story. This tour of "Mother Jones in Heaven" is sponsored in part by The American Labor Studies Center (ALSC) a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to create, collect and disseminate labor history and labor studies curriculum materials and resources to K-12 teachers nationwide through this web site and via conferences, workshops, seminars and exhibits and to restore the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in Troy, New York where it is located.
Vivian Nesbitt ("Breaking Bad") is
A Musical by Si Kahn
Directed by Jo Johnson
with John Dillon on guitar
Friday March 13 @ 7:30pm
Saturday March 14 @ 7:30pm
Sunday March 15 @ 2:00pm
The Charles and Priscilla Patterson Mainstage
Bridge Street Theatre
44 West Bridge Street, Catskill, NY
Advance tickets available at or by calling 800-838-3006
Tickets can also be purchased at the door one half hour prior to each performance on a space available basis General Admission $20, $10 for students