The inaugural Shortie Film Festival will be held October 3rd and 4th 2019 in Brooklyn, New York. Shortie is an independent, international festival for films 30 minutes or less. The festival fosters and propels emerging and provocative filmmaking with two days of screenings, Q&As, and afterparties for an audience seeking new voices and perspectives.
The culmination of the festival is the awards ceremony. All screened films will be eligible for Best Film, selected by our jury comprised of individuals with original and diverse points of view from the international film community. Awards will also be presented in eight other categories: Best Social Justice/Investigative Film, Best Fiction, Best Documentary, Best First Film, Best Director, Best Cinematographer, Best Soundtrack
Screening Schedule
Short Film Festival will be held at ASI Studios, 110 Waterbury Street, Brooklyn.
Thursday, 03 October 2019 6-10 pm - Main Competition, Fiction
Friday, 04 October 2019 8 - 11pm - Main Competition, Documentary 11pm - Award Ceremony
Sponsors and partners: Pizzette, New York Film Academy, Gotham Greens, Manhattan photo studio, ASI Studios, M23, Solutions Journalism Network, Reclamation Bar