Closing their Mainstage Season, the Hangar Theatre presents Lanford Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning romantic comedy, Talley's Folly. Directed by the Hangar's artistic director Jen Waldman, Talley's Folly will run from July 30 until August 8, 2014. Join the cast, crew, and Hangar staff on opening night, Friday, July 31 at 8pm at the Hangar Theatre, located at 801 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca, NY 14850 in Cass Park.
It is July 4, 1944 in Lebanon, Missouri. Matt Friedman (Jonas Cohen) has decided to once and for all declare his love for Sally Talley (Laurel Casillo) and to ask her hand in marriage. Sally struggles with the idea of the two living a life together, but as their time together progresses, it is clear that they have truly found the perfect match.
Laurel Casillo and Jonas Cohen are both making their acting debut with the Hangar Theatre in Talley's Folly. Casillo has performed regionally and in New York City including the Broadway production of Act One at the Lincoln Center Theatre. Cohen has most recently performed at the Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany where he played Cosme McMoon in Souvenir, and will be seen in the upcoming independent film Forgetting Sandy Glass.Take your theatrical experience to the next level. Join us for free programming before and after our Mainstage performances at our post-show Tuesday Talkbacks or at our prologue 45 minutes before each performance.
Tickets start at $20 and can be purchased online at, by phone at (607) 273-ARTS (2787), or in person Hangar Theatre Box Office at the theatre (Mon-Sat between 12pm and 6pm and one hour before curtain time). The recently renovated theatre is located at 801 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca, NY 14850.
The Hangar Theatre is committed to making theatre accessible to the entire community though its Pay What You Can (PWYC) program. Patrons may pay what they can afford to see a show on August 1 at 3pm and the Saturday noon performances of the KIDDSTUFF series. A limited number of tickets are available for PWYC thanks to the generosity of our Mainstage PWYC sponsor Schlather, Stumbar, Parks & Salk, LLP and our KIDDSTUFF PWYC sponsor Ithaca Bakery.
Hangar Theatre gratefully acknowledges 2015 Partner in Flight sponsorship from CFCU Community Credit Union and Cayuga Radio Group. Premier Sponsorship for Talley's Folly is provided by C.S.P. Management. The Hangar Theatreis dedicated to providing exceptional theatre experiences of high professional quality to enrich, enlighten, educate, and entertain the diverse audience in the Finger Lakes region and beyond. Strong educational and training programs are central parts of our commitment to the local and national artistic communities. Visit our website at