Featuring Nora Glickman, Maria Grande, Megan Haungs, Dolores La Guardia, Toby Levine, Jesse Marsh, Susan Reither, Allan Yashin, and Margaret Yuen.
DP's Cultural Education & Community Outreach Program in collaboration with Concrete Temple Theatre presents Childhood Obsessions by the Sirovich Senior Playwriting & Visual Theatre Workshop, Friday, February 5th at 7:30pm.
Featuring Nora Glickman, Maria Grande, Megan Haungs, Dolores La Guardia, Toby Levine, Jesse Marsh, Susan Reither, Allan Yashin, and Margaret Yuen.
For over 15 years, Concrete Temple Theatre has worked in conjunction with Dixon Place's CECO program to lead seniors in the creation of original theatrical works. In early October 2020, seniors began working on the plays being presented on Feb 5. Each was given the assignment of taking a childhood obsession and writing a story from inside that world. Obsession was defined to simply mean whatever it was that as a child consumed their attention. The challenge was to go back to that place of wonder and write a play from inside it. We hope you will join us to share in the wonder.
Find out more about Concrete Temple Theatre
Now in its 20th year, DP's Cultural Education and Community Outreach Program (CECO) provides much-needed creative opportunities to culturally underserved senior citizens in our community. Through free experiential programs in theater, movement, spoken word, and puppetry, participants create original work based on their own experiences and imaginations, with the workshops culminating in public performances. CECO provides unique opportunities for elders to develop artistic skills and discover their creative voices.