Project X Theatre has decided to postpone the two productions in X Fest 2020: Theatre Under the Trees, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Melissa Young and Red Riding Hood by Mike Kenny.
The company plans to present the productions nex summer.
In lieu of in-person performances, Project X has launched a new play development program called New Shoots. Plays developed through this process will have some public readings and just might end up on the summer stage in the future.
They will also be opening up some mentorship opportunities for emerging artists. If you or someone you know is looking for some tips in design, QLab, puppetry, directing, playwriting, and more, they are encouraged to contact Project X.
In addition, the company is asking for donations.
"If you have the capacity to support us with some of the costs that we have incurred, we would deeply value your contribution," a statement on Project X's website reads.
Learn more about the company at