Uprooted is a groundbreaking piece by New Canadian Women that delves into the heartfelt stories of those who have bravely embarked on a new life in Canada.
Handsome Alice Theatre has announce the second iteration of Uprooted from November 24 - 25 at 7:30 p.m. at Joyce Doolittle Theatre, as they embark on telling powerful stories that are filled with empathy, understanding and celebration of what it means to be a newcomer to Canada.
“Uprooted is a remarkable production that beautifully captures the essence of the newcomer experience,” said Meg Farhall, Artistic Producer. “Through powerful storytelling, this thought-provoking show not only builds bridges of understanding but also empowers participants to embrace their unique journeys. Uprooted is a must-see for anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of the challenges and triumphs faced by new Canadians. Prepare to be moved and inspired."
Uprooted is a groundbreaking piece by New Canadian Women that delves into the heartfelt stories of those who have bravely embarked on a new life in Canada. Uprooted unites community members and artists, forging powerful connections through shared experiences. The show came about through conversations with newcomer artists looking for opportunities to connect with the local arts scene and build connections.
Geraldine Fuenmayor - Director
Mariana Romero - Performer
Ivanna Solera - Performer
Snizhana Bora - Performer
Antares Ramirez - Performer
Millie Winzinowich - Stage Manager
Alexandra Prichard - Set and Lighting Design
Camille Craig - Sound Design
Meg Farhall - Producer
Marcia Liber - Production Management
TICKETS: On Sale Now, $27 each
For more information, visit: https://www.universe.com/events/uprooted-tickets-Z978GP
Since 2005, Handsome Alice Theatre has been devoted to amplifying women, non-binary and trans voices through theatre works that are inclusive, curious, and rebellious. The company has produced over twenty productions from the classic and contemporary canons, to premieres of new Canadian works. With artistic excellence leading their core values, artists associated with Handsome Alice Theatre productions have garnered two Betty Mitchell Awards, twenty Betty Mitchell Award nominations, and five Critics Choice Award nominations.
Handsome Alice, an innovative theatre company, is thrilled to announce its upcoming season filled with thought-provoking performances and empowering narratives. From celebrating gender and pronouns, to sharing stories of coming to Canada, to exploring reproductive rights, this season promises to captivate audiences and spark important conversations.