Calgary Opera has made the decision to postpone its 2020-21 season productions. Calgary Opera will be moving all live events currently scheduled for its 49th season from 2020-21 to 2021-22.
Despite this news, Calgary Opera won't simply go dark for the next year. The company says they are working on planning a season of special programming, both live and online, that satisfies needs while ensuring the safety of both the performers and audience members.
Those who purchased a subscription to our 2020-21 Main Stage series will automatically have their subscription transferred to the 2021-22 season. Subscriptions to our Opera Brunch series will likewise be automatically transferred to the following season. Individual tickets to performances such as Opera Brunch or Christmas at the Opera will be credited back to your Calgary Opera account, and funds can be redirected to future Calgary Opera events.
For all Calgary Opera tickets purchased, refunds are available by request. Patrons may also choose to donate the value of their tickets for a tax receipt.
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