Superheroes is a collectively created physical theatre show that takes place in an alternate reality.
SideNote Theatre's Spring/Summer round of auditions is officially open for submissions!
Superheroes is a collectively created physical theatre show that takes place in an alternate reality where youth with super powers are trained to completely accept the privilege of their gifts, and then to use their powers in the service of good.
From Feb 15-21, the company will be gathering initial submissions. Visit the website to submit your headshot and resume for a role in SUPERHEROES.
Feb 22 - Audition Requirements Sent Out
Once the production team has reviewed your application, they will send you your audition materials.
Feb 22-March 5 - Submissions Continue
The company will begin accepting your video auditions, and if you apply between these dates, you will hear back every 48 hours.
March 5 - Auditions Close
• The Super Squad
AURA - Health!
REV - Speed!
BRICK - Strength!
STRETCH - Pliability!
• The Super Seasoned
COMMANDER WIT - Telepathy!
• The Super Stock
GUARDIAN - Freezing!
SIBLING - Forcefields!