BWW Review: Jason Gotay Has No Trouble REMEMBERING JOY at The Green Room 42
by Stephen Mosher - May 23, 2022
The singing actor delivered pure joy and perfect vocals to his Green Room 42 audience last week....
BWW Review: Brandi Burkhardt Is A Wonder In FINDING WONDERLAND at The Green Room 42
by Stephen Mosher - May 20, 2022
Brandi Burkhardt is ready to tell her own stories, and what better place to do it than on the solo concert stage?...
BWW Review: Ann Hampton Callaway Honors a Legend and More With FEVER! THE PEGGY LEE CENTURY at 54 Below
by Stephen Mosher - May 20, 2022
Ann Hampton Callaway grew up influenced by the artistry of Peggy Lee. But the legend left a greater impression on AHC than just her work as a singer-songwriter, and this new act shows it....
BWW Review: Ann Morrison Makes 54 Below Audience More Than Merry With MERRILY FROM CENTER STAGE
by Stephen Mosher - May 19, 2022
In her one-woman musical memoir about MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG, Ann Morrison creates new theater worth seeing... especially for the superfans....
BWW Review: DeAnne Stewart Celebrates Duality & Humanity In TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY At The Green Room 42
by Bobby Patrick - May 17, 2022
There are those performers who are so proficient that they continually must live up to their own standard while always raising their personal bar. Then there are those who are born to perform....
by Stephen Mosher - May 17, 2022
The important and impressive series at 54 Below highlighting new composers puts musical theater writer Brandon Webster center stage....
BWW Review: MUSEMATCH XIV: A MUSICAL THEATER BLIND DATE Nurtures Artists and Art at The Green Room 42
by Stephen Mosher - May 17, 2022
For their fourteenth installment of MUSEMATCH, Bill Coyne and Authenteur Inc. present some interesting song topics mated with talented singers....
BWW Review: Leslee Warren Performs Eye-Opening ME MYSELF & EYE: SONGS FROM A NEARSIGHTED GIRL at Pangea
by Stephen Mosher - May 16, 2022
Reviving her hit show from 2018, Leslee Warren proves that good things only get better with time....
BWW Review: THE BEST OF BROADWAY! A CCM CELEBRATION at 54 Below Showcases Talent and Solidarity
by Stephen Mosher - May 12, 2022
Scott Coulter presents another stellar night honoring the graduates and the program out of CCM....
BWW Review: Holly Ann Butler Is A Marvel In COVER ME at Feinstein's/54 Below
by Stephen Mosher - May 11, 2022
Holly Ann Butler puts the life of the theaterical understudy in the spotlight in her new club act COVER ME....
BWW Review: Ry Armstrong Conveys The Gender Queer Aesthetic With A Few Friends, Some Fab Tunes, & A Whole Lot Of Pronouns In (THEY // SHE // HE) At The Green Room 42
by Bobby Patrick - May 10, 2022
Led by Ry Armstrong, they and their friends come together to gender-bend and recreate songs from Broadway and beyond through arrangements never heard before, in a non-binary celebration of live....
BWW Review: Charlotte Crossley & Ava Nicole Frances Present Empowered Women in MUTUAL ADMIRATION at 54 Below
by Stephen Mosher - May 10, 2022
When self-described Odd Couple Ava Nicole Frances & Charlo Crossley created MUTUAL ADMIRATION, it was a sister act, but when they invited their women friends to join them, it became so much more....
BWW Review: Mx. Justin Vivian Bond Brings In The Spring With More Marys Than You Can Shake A Mary At, With OH MARY, IT'S SPRING! At Joe's Pub
by Bobby Patrick - May 09, 2022
On a whim, this statuesque trans-warrior goddess decided to concoct a show all about MARY. Mary who? We hear you ask, well just about ANY Mary that would sit still long enough for Bond to grab the song with their name in it, or one that was written by someone named Mary, or by a composer from the la...
BWW Review: Triumphant THE FUNNY GIRL IN ME: JOSEPHINE SANGES SINGS FANNY BRICE Debuts at The Laurie Beechman Theatre
by Stephen Mosher - May 07, 2022
Josephine Sanges, John M. Cook, and Jeff Harnar have outdone themselves with the new Fanny Brice tribute show playing the Beechman. Read our critic's review....
BWW Review: ANDREA MCARDLE & FRIENDS CELEBRATE THE 45TH ANNIEVERSARY Is Cause For Celebration At Feinstein's/54 Below
by Stephen Mosher - May 06, 2022
With a special group of galpals for life, Andrea McArdle is at 54 Below celebrating a time, just a few years back, when she and her girls were having the time of their lives....
by David Clarke - May 06, 2022
Released on what would have been Stephen Sondheim's 92nd birthday - March 22, 2022 - Yellow Sound Label’s SONDHEIM UNPLUGGED: THE NYC SESSIONS - VOLUME TWO is the glorious middle chapter of an epic trilogy of beloved Sondheim showtunes sung by musical theater luminaries. Like the previous entry, thi...
BWW Review: Madelaine Warren Extends a Welcoming INVITATION to Guests of The Laurie Beechman Theatre
by Stephen Mosher - May 06, 2022
Madelaine Warren returns to the cabaret stage with a new Barry Kleinbort-helmed show featuring two spectacular musicians....
BWW Review: Ken Page Says (and Sings) It All During THERE'S SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT… (AND SING ABOUT, TOO!) at 54 Below
by Stephen Mosher - May 05, 2022
Ken Page made his return to New York and 54 Below and the people who weren't there will, forever, regret having missed it....
BWW Review: Tom Kitt Shines During REFLECTIONS: A SOLO CONCERT at 54 Below
by Stephen Mosher - May 03, 2022
The former frontman for the Tom Kitt Band was on stage on his own this weekend, and it's a place he should be more frequently....
BWW Review: With TOGETHER INSIDE at Don't Tell Mama Becca Kidwell Graduates
by Stephen Mosher - May 02, 2022
With Jeff Harnar and Matt Baker by her side, Becca Kidwell's new show has a brilliant new sheen on it....
BWW Review: Lesley Nicol Charms New York Audiences With HOW THE HELL DID I GET HERE? At The McKittrick Hotel
by Stephen Mosher - April 30, 2022
A working UK actress got a breakout role in DOWNTON ABBEY, audiences worldwide fell in love, and now Lesley Nicol is telling her story in A Musical Autobiography titled HOW THE HELL DID I GET HERE?...
BWW Review: LEOLA'S LADYLAND LOUNGE Welcomes Brandi Burkhardt and Jen Houston to The Green Room 42
by Stephen Mosher - April 29, 2022
Leola went full-on Clarkson last night, as her guests sang some Kelly hits and Leola quizzed Justin Guarini....
BWW Review: THE NEW YORK POPS 39TH BIRTHDAY GALA at Carnegie Hall by Guest Reviewer Andrew Poretz
by Stephen Mosher - April 29, 2022
A true star-studded evening recently played Carnegie Hall as the New York Pops celebrates 39 years with a gala featuring the works of Kristen & Bobby Lopez,...
BWW Review: Jane Monheit Enchants Birdland Audience With Excellent COME WHAT MAY Concert Running Through April 30th
by Stephen Mosher - April 28, 2022
With a program informed by her new album COME WHAT MAY, Jane Monheit brings the best that Birdland can offer: excellence in music....
BWW Review: John Pizzarelli Trio STAGE AND SCREEN At The Café Carlyle by Guest Reviewer Andrew Poretz
by Stephen Mosher - April 28, 2022
The John Pizzarelli opened their show STAGE AND SCREEN and extended it, all in the same week....