Broadway Sessions, hosted by Ben Cameron, returns to The Green Room 42 on December 5th with a special season finale featuring cast members from the acclaimed production of SUNSET BLVD. The lineup includes Diego Andres Rodriguez, Sydney Clark, Jimin Moon, and more, alongside emerging talents Valerie Aurelia and Hailey Knowles. This lively event invites performers to engage with the audience through games, interviews, and open mic segments, celebrating the vibrant Broadway community. Performances are scheduled to continue every two weeks, resuming on February 13, 2025.
Once Upon a Mattress (11/21/24-11/21/24)
The Doris Dear 10th Anniversary Christmas Special
The Triad Theater (12/13 - 12/14) | ||
A Very Jewish Christmas Story
Don't Tell Mama (12/10 - 12/13) | ||
Renee's Soirees
Don't Tell Mama (12/22 - 12/22) | ||
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